Suggest A Link For This Directory


We run an "Open" linking policy. This means that as long as your site is relevant to the topics covered on this site and you adhere to the restrictions below, we will add your link.

Please refer to the restrictions outlined below:

-Sites must be "On Topic" - i.e. Relevant to the content covered at this site.
-Sites must Reciprocate the Link.
-Only 'Text Links' are accepted - No Banners.
-Sites of an obscene or obnoxious nature will NOT be accepted.
-All submitted sites are reviewed and we reserve the right to refuse any site.

Step one:


Please add our LINK from your site back to this website. The 'Link Text' that we require you to use is shown below. Please do not alter the wordage in any way. If we do not see our link, yours will not be added.


Copy and Paste this Standard LINK Text:

Cooking Classes in Florence Tuscany - An Italian Cooking School emphasizing fun and value. Half-day cooking classes in Florence, Italy. Italian Cooking at its best.


Use this HTML code for the link:
<a href=""><strong>Cooking Classes in Florence Tuscany</a> - An Italian Cooking School emphasizing fun and value. Half-day cooking classes in Florence, Italy. Italian Cooking at its best in Tuscany.<p>

Step Two:

After having added our link to your site, please add your own details below. The fields with an * are required.

*Your First Name:
Your Last Name:
*Your Country:
*Your Website URL:
*Your Website Title:

Ex. My Website (50 Characters Max)
*Your Website Description:
*Your Email Address:

Please ensure that this is CORRECT as your Listing 'CONFIRMATION' will be emailed to this address.
*Your Reciprocal Link:

VERY. IMPORTANT - Please add the FULL URL path of the page where you place the reciprocal link. Ex: and NOT just the root of your site, as in: . This page must be directly connected to your homepage or on your homepage.
IMPORTANT 1 - We will CHECK the above 'Reciprocal Link' page, to ensure our link has been added. If we cannot find our link back to us on that page, then your link will not be added or will be removed if our link has been removed in the future.

IMPORTANT 2 - Please use the "Link Text" provided for you above. (Click HERE to view). Please Copy and Paste this "Link Text" exactly as shown.

Thanks for your link. Please click on "Submit" to finish.

On Clicking the Send button your link request will be automatically emailed to us.

As long as your link complies to our Link Requirements above, then your Link will
be added to this Directory in the Category you requested within 12 hours.


© Cook With Passion, LLC